
November 2021 Update

Picture added as an attention step--symbolism 😊 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”– Theodore Roosevelt Update (short version):  still making positive progress and will enter new treatment phase--long course radiation.  Longer version:  the journey continues! Well, since my last update, I've endured several medical procedures to include stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)--high doses of precision radiation on my liver--along with a flexible sigmoidoscopy (x2) to evaluate and remove another polyp and take some biopsies.   Evaluation of the SBRT on my liver will take a few months, but only have a few more weeks to know if the treatment damaged my liver (remote chance).  Thankfully, the side-effects are lessening (nausea was worse than chemo). The good news:  the biopsies 'technically" do not show cancer at the point of origin (rectum)--best news so far!  Cannot determine if any cancer cells exists except via biopsies.  Thus, docs won't de

9 July 2021 (posting late)

Well, I hit a milestone in an arduous journey I didn't sign up for, but was thrusted into without courtesy or warning--perchance by accident or my own volition. This bittersweet event or perhaps better characterized as an achievement, almost didn't happen on numerous occasions as I wanted to quit quite a few times. The 200-mile round-trip journey every 2 weeks for the last 6 months combined with heavy traffic, terrible parking, and the ever present smell of chemo did weaken my spirit, but not my resolve (I have an appreciation for rumble strips now and a driver). The constant severe nausea, neuropathy, headaches, and extreme exhaustion served as a platform for morbid thoughts of my untimely demise, but was positively countered with laying the foundation for a hope of a cure (actually remission since a cure is not attainable at this time) and long-term survival.  Deep into the abyss of deep thoughts of extinction was this ringing of the bell ... a symbol of success ... a dim lig

25 - 26 Feb 2021

It was 6 Mar 2020 when I was diagnosed with another hernia.  

Another Battle Won, but the War Continues.

It was an eventful and emotional day on Friday.  Up early and on the road before sunrise for another round of labs and chemo (#15). Skipping the details of wondering why the process seemed slower than usual, but later made sense.  After I got hooked up and prep drugs administered,  I wheeled my pump and rack of drugs to the restroom and back when I found my nurse standing outside my pod.  She gave me heads up that my oncologist stopped by and was already sitting down so I suggested we can get started on administering the chemo.  She said the doc wanted to chat first, so I went in (mask and all), gave a salutation and fist bumped the doc and sat in my heated chair.  Asked how I'm doing, I replied "doing well" in a confident voice, and he stated he is pulling the plug on further chemo. What?!?  I didn't quite understand and said I'm ready for more chemo ... let's kill this thing inside me.  He explained no and that chemo was no longer needed.  In ess

22 - 24 Feb 2021

22 Feb 2021 The nausea monster got me this morning! Lessons learned ... keep taking anti-nausea meds until at least Tuesday.  Seem to be behind all day and felt sick most of it.   Got inbs 2-mile walk ... wanted longer, but bladder was full.   Pool renovation continued when I was surprised by the company ready to swap liner.  Though didn't install new liner yet, progress was made.   Although didn’t feel well, put 30 minutes on trainer.  Then had clam chowder for diner while Dawn juiced. So very thankful that she does this even though she is on call.   23 Feb 2021 The day started early.  Needed to move the truck for the pool company coming back this morning. Read an interesting article on advice for staying positive that was worth sharing.  I definitely prefer the phrase, "cautiously optimistic." Cautiously Optimistic Got in a 3-mile walk this morning.  

19 - 21 Feb 2021

19 Feb 2021 The drive to UAB was thankfully uneventful.  Had to find parking since valet service was limited to first floor patients only (didn't know until arrival). My second infusion therapy began.  First stop was lab work followed by seeing the NP.  She said the lab numbers were excellent!  This provided a little confidence that the treatments were/are not adversely impacting me.   Then it was off to Pod-C and the process of chemo.  Then it was getting hooked up with the home pump for nearly 2 days of chemo.   My nurse was great! Overall, good day.  The UAB professionals were awesome!  20 Feb 2021 Received a special card from Peter and Josette yesterday.  After a stressful day, it was so nice.  However, I would be remiss if I didn't mention a friend, JB, that was hit from behind while cycling.  He was extremely lucky to survive.  Glad he survived! Felt well enough to walk despite the cool weather.

15 - 18 Feb 2021

Not doing well documenting my journey. Hope I can get fixed. Another day of low 20s 🥶 Decided it was time to bring a bike out with the goal of riding very soon! Too cold and had to bring out the heat lamps on Monday and Tuesday night.  Got down to at least 19°F. Worked a little outside.   Achieved plenty of walking and trainer miles this week.  Now time to rest in preparation for Friday's infusion therapy.  That's all for now. Anxiety creeping in.